Monday 24 October 2011

Pussy Galore

Ok, so anyone who knows me knows how much I love cats. Even just thinking about them brings a huge smile to my face. I secretly wish Diana would put on two stone, because then she would be a huge ball of fluff.

So today I was in Covent Garden as I had a few hours to kill before lectures, and walking down one of the roads I saw some homeless dude with a ridiculosly tapped up guitar and....... a cat! I immediately was smiling and was soo enchanted and well as you can imagine the day was suddenly a lot better. Intrigue eventually got the better of me and I went over and started talking to the dude briefly...more an excuse to just go stroke the cat hehehe. Seriously in all my life I have never seen such a beautifully mannered cat. It was just sitting peacefully in front of it's owner amid the crazyness/busyness of Covent Garden. He seemed to perfectly happy and at peace. Turns out this cat is rather a celebrity around London. Google 'Bob the cat big issue' and you'll see what I mean....

Saturday 22 October 2011


Well I was thinking about this the other day, for years my hero has been Jeremy Clarkson, but I recently added another name to this prestigious list, and it is *drum roll* Karl Pilkington. I in all honesty do not know why, but he is just so damn awesome. I imagine my life would be a lot more happier if my mind was like Pilkington's.