Friday 27 May 2011


I keep having to be reminded about how much I am worth. Not that I don't think I am not worth much. But every now and then I forget. I know I am priceless and as such deserve the best, and shouldn't settle for anything less.

A very wise relative reminded me that you shouldn't make excuses for people. If someone believes and knows you are worth the effort then they will make it....

I get given tonnes of advice all the time, it's no surprise that I am not very good at making decisions about things.

I am lucky to be sourrounded by a great bunch of people who clearly care about me, my happines and overall general wellbeing. I am grateful that they make time to go out of their way to help me, and I am forever indebted to them.

I am grateful to be sourrounded by a lot of love and great friendships.