Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The Anglo Week- All 4 of the award winning editions

Issue 1 Issue 1 amytee


  1. Publishing these online was a brilliant idea! They divinity is now immortalised forever! Well done, Amy!

    It's a shame there weren't more though; our team of writers never really materialised.

    Will there be a Glasglow Week?

  2. Mr. S (Not a pseudonym)14 June 2009 at 13:13

    I blame this Rot-Rung Inate for the lack of further issues, clearly his devotion to school work somehow superceded his allegiance to the Anglo Week. A strange case. Still, he is the only chance for the great newspaper above to continue it's hurricane of mis-informed rants to flourish into new horizons of greatness.

    I shouldn't think there'll be an Glasgow Week, the editor no doubt wants people in Glasgow to think he is slightly cooler than he really is at least until the end of Fresher's week. However, I have a couple of bits from both Rot-Rung and Amy which could be formed into a final edition. With perhaps the correct piece of communism to kick start it I'm sure another six pages could be spewed forth before the end of the decade...

    P.s. The Anglo Week could really have done with a proof reader, and no, I don't think that was my job as editor.
