Wednesday, 13 June 2012

On being thin...

Ok so I'm lucky. I'm 41kg, and I'm 22, and just about 5 foot. That means I am rather thin. Happily thin. Not in an anorexic way, but I look in the mirror and I am happy with my body.

I read yesterday about people who work out all week just to eat one cupcake. I laughed. Why? Because like hell that would be me. Screw that. Put it like this, yesterday morning I had rhubarb crumble with ambrosia custard for breakfast, followed my apple crumble with ambrosia custard for lunch, with Chinese take away for dinner with a load of oreos as a bedtime snack, then more apple crumble with ambrosia for breakfast the next day. I'm lucky because I can get away with it, and no need to work out either.

I wouldn't say I was massively into my looks, I don't own or wear any make up (except lipstick every now and then), and going shopping is rather tedious (hence why I do all my shopping online). My only weakness is for pretty dresses.

Some people spend all their time fussing about their bodies, I wonder if they have any real time to stop, relax and just enjoy being who they are.

One day, I'll be fat, but I'll be happy. Cos you only have one life, why avoid indulgences?