Saturday, 17 December 2011

Dress Horse charging through

Ok, so anyone who knows me well, knows I love dresses. I spend hours and hours and hours (in all honesty), staring at dresses and wondering how much of being in the red I can tolerate, before giving in and buying the dress. It's a viscious cycle and I figure it will only end when the floor collapses under all the weight of my dresses.

I realised yesturday I had a bit of a problem, when looking at President Obama's 2011 christmas card, I immediately recognised the dress his daughter Sasha was wearing, and where she bought it from. Why? Because I literally do spend hours staring at dresses. In fact, I was so sure of myself, I asked the company that makes them, if in fact it was the same dress, and they said yes. I had in the past debated whether I should buy the same dress, but figured after seeing the photo, it suited Sasha's figure more than mine. I'm a beanpole, and she at 13 has annoyingly more curves than me.

When I was younger, I pretty much lived in the baggyest trousers known to man. You could comfortably have fitted three of me in one trouser leg, and probably still had space to shoove a few bricks down there too. I was for a long time the 'grunge' kid. And my gosh did I think I was kool. Looking back, I feel embarassement at having dressed like that. For years I choose not to embrace my femininity, feeling I had to tell the world my music tastes/lifestyle through my clothes. Then one day I realised, no one actually cares, and more importantly, I look ridiculous. Now I suppose I am trying to appease a by gone era and dress how I should be dressed; like a woman.

I may be 5 foot in stature but I am slowly learning the joys of being female, not in a feminist way, but still. It's less of the black and more of the flowers nowadays. Ironically I can't actually stand flowers. It's known that I love gardening, and happily harp on about the things I grow, but my motto is: "If you can't eat it, no point growing it." As such, presenting me with a bunch of flowers won't go down well, but various fruit and vegetable plants...hell yeah :-). I remember one guy actually remembered my distaste for flowers and presented me with some grass... it was nice grass actually, but I wasn't quite sure what to do with it.....

I realised today that I need to stop buying dresses, whether I will actually be active (or rather inactive!) on that stance, remains to be seen. However, I had a thought, why not start a blog on what I wear, and post a picture everyday of my stylish(?) delights. It would be good to find out what suits and doesn't and try and get more creative with what I own, rather than dress time...albeit, it is a wonderful moment when I do have a new dress in my hands :-)